User Stories

Public library patron: Caitlin

Searching for category of event: Caitlin would like to search for events occurring at her local library, specifically events have learning a new skill or activity - such as crochet.

Registering for specific event: Caitlin would like to have the ability to register to attend a specific event she is interested in.

Creating an event: Caitlin would like to schedule her own yoga class for the local library. She would like to publish it so that the local patron community is aware of the event, event times, event location, and event instructor.

Browse and search catalog: Caitlin would like to browse what the library has recently received, search for items she might be interested in checking out, and to put holds on specific items.

Browse local news: Caitlin would like to stay up to date on what her local library and community are up to.

Receive notifications: Caitlin would like to receive reminders about upcoming events, item due dates, items on hold, etc.

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