Join the Unifier team

The recruitment of talented and diverse contributors for the Unifier project is necessary to ensure project success. Feel strongly about the value that public schools and libraries bring to the big picture? Join Unifier.

We have need of specific skill sets for our team, but if you don't quite fit the bill, but are ready to bring something else to the table - we welcome it and encourage you to contact us.

Specific team openings:

  • User Experience Engineer/Researcher: A UX expert would be immensely helpful to engaging the user of Unifier with a great user experience and encouraging user adoption.

  • Library Technology Consultant: The Unifier team needs a knowledgeable library technology professional to consult with concerning matters of adoption issues, library technology interfacing with Unifier (and vice versa), and strategic product recommendations.

Email [email protected] if interested or if you have any questions.

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